Cardio Cocktail

Cardio Cocktail

Basic Prescribing Info
Per oz Na 220 mg, total carbohydrate 7 g, sugar 7 g, L-arginine 5 g, L-citrulline 200 mg, EDTA 200 mg, omega-3 (Perilla oil 4:1) 188 mg, vit C 120 mg, Mg 75 mg, K 50 mg, grapeseed extr 25 mg, vit A 14 mg, niacin 10 mg, vit B6 10 mg, Zn 9 mg, vit D3 2,000 iu, D-Ca pantothenate 4 mg, vit B1 1,300 mcg, vit B2 1,300 mcg, vit B12 100% 400 mcg, folic acid 177 mcg, biotin pure 66 mcg. Energy: 28 cal.
MIMS Class
Supplements & Adjuvant Therapy
ATC Classification
V06DA - Carbohydrates/proteins/minerals/vitamins, combinations ; Used as general nutrients.
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